Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i've been setting up for the fall festival at my church and there's this guy that attends our spanish church that's also been helping all day long. so my mom asked him to go and get some chairs [that was around 5 pm] and when he came to deliever them my mom asked him "bet you won't come to voluenteer anymore" she asked jokingly and he knew it but how he replied amazed me because i haven't thought about this once today. he said "no. *laugh* i do all things for the Lord..." i can't remember exactly, but it was just neat to see how he probably hadn't complained on how HOT it is today, or how thirsty he was or how many laps he's made around the church. he acted as if he had just gotten there and was put to work.
it was amazing.
i don't know, it just made me realize that i need to think more like him. just be positive and do stuff for the Lord, not just because the church needed people to help out. and i shouldn't be complaining on the weather. everybody else is just as hot, thirsty and whatever as i am. who am i to complain?

Monday, October 12, 2009

today SUCKS!

so let me tell you about my day today. and yes, i know i haven't blogged since...july 29th...which would make it like 2.5 months. my bad. i'm not very good at writing. XD
it all started at 1 am this morning. i was still awake...but i decided to go to bed. and i laid in bed for an hour. and i was still awake. so i didn't fall asleep until well after 2. and then i got in trouble because i didn't wake up until "almost 11". it was 10:30...which isn't almost 11. but whatever. so then i had to give the dogs a bath. i hate doing that. so that wasn't fun. after that my mom was like "get ready. we're leaving soon." awesome. i took a shower and i had to go to the mall with wet hair. i don't like that. for whatever reason, going to the mall for me means that i have to look good. idk why...but i just feel like i have to "dress up". :/ so i'm told just to go into hot topic, get the almost's ep [monster ep] and then come back out. and if i didn't see it, my mom told me to ask. [cause i don't like asking. XP] so i go in and i look and i don't see it. so i wait to ask the girl that worked there and she's like "no. we don't have it in yet. try back in a few weeks." GBAOINSDFPOAWNET! i was told last tuesday [when it released] that they would have it the next morning. she was like "they just randomly send it to us." whatever. you guys need to get on the ball cause i'm tired of coming here for stuff and you guys not having it. [our hot topic has to be the WORST ht in the ENTIRE country. bleh] so then we went to kmart cause my mom wanted to get me some new jeans. first off, i can't stand kmart...but that's where most of my jeans are from cause they have pretty awesome sales on jeans. but not today. it was all jeans with like elastic bands. ick. so i didn't get anything. so then we came home becuse my brother sliced his hand on a broken bottle...that was UNDER his bed. i'm wondering what kind of bottle, glass bottle, was under his bed. [i guess i just think the worst about people. XP but he's so secretive that i can't help but wonder] so i came home and i bought the monster ep on the almost's site cause i want it and i'm annoyed with it not being at hot topic [it's an exclusive hot topic item]. then later we went to target cause i wanted to get the new nd game, cause i've heard that it's out and target is notourious for putting stuff out early. but they didn't have it out yet. >_<>_< but today my mom was like "you might be able to go on the retreat. cause they need somebody else and lorraine is trying to talk to tim about paying for you to go." i have NO idea why they're trying to pay for me, cause first off i've always paid to go and the church has never paid for the high schoolers to go. but then like right after my mom's like "but i'm not sure that it's a good idea that you go." WHAT?!?!?! she knows how much i wanted to go, so don't tempt me with the idea of going. oh, and it's this weeked...but i have to work and i'm not sure that it'd be best for me to go. so i was just talking about it with page and she's like "well, you should go. call off work and have sombody cover your sunday school class for you. you're going to regret if you don't go." i dont' think that she realizes that NOBODY would voluenteer to sub for me this sunday. we have a hard enough time getting people to voluenteer to just teach a stinking class. yeah, i might regret it later in life and i'll probably mope around this weekend, but the girls are ALWAYS the preppiest people that i've ever met and they don't do any work. it drives me nuts. and page is saying how she'd go and how i should go and be outgoing...i'm not an outgoing person already, so what in the world would change me by this weekend? UGH! so she isn't understanding my reasons for wanting to not go... hasn't been my favorite day. and i want it to be OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!