Monday, March 30, 2009


How do I get a custom layout?  Like I want a new background and stuff...and I just can't figure it out...annoyingness.  lol I just got freaked out a little bit...thought I had been cheated out of $14. Why? Let me tell

So I was on facebook and there was an add off to the side about a new Stellar Kart Best of I clicked on it cause I wanted to see what it was and stuff. So I looked and it was a pre-sale item. You pre-ordered the CD and get a free tee shirt with it. [woohoo!] So I wait until my mom woke up from her nap and I asked she says yes and the total comes out to $13.98. I was so excited that I didn't even think to look around or anything...I just ordered it. So then I place my order and realized that it didn't look like the Stellar Kart website...or their merch store. So I'm thinking "WHAT DID I JUST DO!" I'm thinking that I just put all of my information onto the internet and lost $14 because I wanted something that I don't even know if it's real or not... So I go onto SK's website and it says nothing about a new Best Of CD....nothing...nothing on their home page...nothing in their Merch store...I about died. So then I quickly get pulled up cause they have a list of Christian artists and their CDs and upcoming ones and whatever...Thank the Lord that it was there. lol So, yes, it is a real CD and I didn't lose any money. It was safe. lol But I seriously freaked out there for a few minutes thinking that my mom was going to take away my debit card because I was stupid. lol But now I have to wait until around April 21st for it to get here and stuff...beucase that's when it releases...hopefully I like my shirt. XP It's white and it says Stellar Kart in this really cool font...let me find a link.....

So, even though it says SK isn't the one that you link to from their site...which is what freaked me out. XP

The ad came back up on's what I so stupidly clicked on without checking it

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Guess who got a blogger. :)

MEEEEEEE!  Chaaaah...i did.  Just cause I can.  I have an LJ but whatever.  I'll probably end up posting the same thing on sorry in advance for being repetative...  :/  But here's what I just posted on my LJ...

i go into skyline and he was working [i knew he was, just hoping that he didn't take off] and so i go to walk into the kitchen and he was about to walk out, so we kinda like saw each other through the window and we both started laughing, and yeah. :) but he goes "hi gabriella" [first off, my name ain't gabrielle JACOB! lol i just ended up saying hey back...i'm pretty sure he was just doing it to be silly. XP] and i just said hey [like i just said]...i fo realz need to get up the courage to add that extra "jake" in there. stupid me. WHAT'S MY PROBLEM! lol but i go back and get my check/new schedule and make sure that i'm not working the 24th [cause i'm going to DISNEY WORLD! woop woop...and i'm not working...he is though. day i think that i'm just going to go in when he's working and just sit there like some people do. lol maybe on a saturday...hmmm...i feel a master plan coming on. bahahahaha] anyways...when i was walking out of the kitchen he was walking in, so we both like collided again. just my luck. but we were both like cracking up. :D

BTW-I work at a place called Skyline Chili.  Originally from Cincinnati, OH...has traveled many places.  Just happens to be one where I live and I just so happen to love the food and work there.  lol  He=Jake...a guy that I just so happen to work with and think is cute.  And Disney World = a place that I enjoy visiting and a place that I will be at on March 24th.  Just try not to hunt me down...cause that's kinda creepy.