Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my life lately

Ahh...I haven't blogged in forever.

Let's see...what's been going on with me.  Not much really.  I'm babysitting pretty much everyday this gets old cause now the kids are comfortable with me and like to backtalk and such now.  It's not really all that cool.  And yesterday, I had to be the mean babysitter and make one of the kids dust the entire house cause she didn't want to come outside with us.  Oh well.  She got over it.  XP

At the beginning of July I went white water rafting.  :D  I was scared to death, but I enjoyed it a lot.  I can't wait to do it again.  :)  And after rafting we went to CIY MOVE in Knoxville, TN.  It was amazing.  :D  A great week, that was filled with some trying times...I'll talk about that in a second..really cute guys and total funness.  haha  New word.  :)  Like there were 5 guys I think that I liked.  Hahaha....lets see, there was Matt Thiessen, he was the sound guy.  He really did look just like Matt Thiessen from Relient K; then there was Alex, the cutest senior guy ever.  He's a total goofhead...and I'll talk about him in a minute too; then there was Seth, the coolest guy with nerd glasses.  He was really sweet and quiet and I only talked to him twice but he was just suuper cool; and there was the guy with the cool hair; Belmont the V-Neck, who's real name is Zack something; and the Nerd.  Ha, so I was wrong, there was 6.  But the Nerd was a leader for one of the groups, but he looked really young, like not much older than me.  :)

I'll start with the trials at CIY...we [Page and I] roomed with this girl Katie that I already didn't like.  She had broken her arm like a week before the trip, so she couldn't do anything by herself.  [or at least she made it seem like she couldn't]  And with Page and I being the oldest girls and the ones that everybody thinks are great Christian girls [Page'm getting there.  :)] we get stuck with her.  We had the choice of being together and rooming with her or being seperated and one of us still being with her.  We decided to tough it out together.  Hahahahahaha...that was a mistake.  By the second night she had already ticked me off enough to make me cry.  I could've punched her.  And then during the week she said stuff about my brother TO MY FACE and then dissed my dress saying that it looked old.  And unfortunately I couldn't say anything about her dress, cause I really liked it.  lol  She's just a brat and spoiled and a crybaby and when she doesn't get her way, watch out.  Bhahhhhhh onto Alex.  :):):):):):):)  He's a super cutie and I didn't really talk to him much, but my friend Page did and I was always with her...soooo...yeah.  lol  He has this video on's amazing.  He's a total goofbball.  Oh my gosh, I for real could marry this kid.  :):):):) <3>

Oh, and tonight I found out that Cody isn't in Stellar Kart anymore...and apparently hasn't been for a while.  I HAD NO CLUE!  It was so crazy.

And my birthday is on Tuesday.  :)  I'm excited.  I'm going to try and get off babysitting [which I already asked, so i think i will] and my friends and I are going to try and make a day of it.  It'll be fun!

Oh!  And I'm going to Rock the Universe again this year.  Uber excited for it.  I'm already pumped and it isn't for like 6 1/2 weeks.  Haha...I've got this teeshirt design that I'm going to get.  Let me get a link...

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Yeah, I'm excited.  :)

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