Wednesday, April 29, 2009



It be sad...I'm so upset/frustrated because I want to go to a concert May 5th.  Why can't I go?  Because it's a stinking 7 hour trip...and I can't find anybody to take me.  I could ask my aunt...but my mom says that I don't have enough money to pay for gas [cause she doesn't have a job]...and it just really sucks.  It's Stellar Kart and Nevertheless...I know that I shouldn't be upset that I can't go...but they're amazing...and it just really stinks that I can't find a way to get there.  I've been praying...and praying find a way to get there...but I can't find ANYTHING!  I even looked up flights to Chipley, Florida.  lol  Nothing.  :/  It's sad how frustrated I last night, I was almost in tears because I have thought of everybody that I could ask to take me...and they would all either say no or have said no.  And it really sucks, because if I can't go [I'm sooo not giving up hope yet.  XP] I'm following all of Stellar Kart and Nevertheless on Twitter [I'm bubblezrulez85 if you wish to add me] and they're [well...Adam and Jordan of SK] always twittering about what they're doing right at that second.  So it's like "We're doing our soundcheck..."  "We're still waiting on that soundcheck..."  or "Nevertheless is about to go up on stage!  I'm pumped!"  bahhhh....It seems that every time NTL is near me [or even in Florida] I can't go.  And it sucksss...cause they've been here twice this year and I've been planning on going to both, but then plans fall through and I get so upset.  And then the next day of the tour [May 6th] they're going to be in Greenville, SC and I have family that lives like 30 minutes away from there...and BAHHH!  lol  I wish I could call them up and be like "Hola.  I'm coming to stay with you guys for a few days...kay?"  And if I could find a way to get up there, I would totally do it. I just took a blogging break to look up flights to Greenville.  How stupid am I?  Is it bad that I'm sooooo determined to get to one of these tour dates?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

rant rant rant [with a little bitty bit of good stuff.]

so i like how blogger is set up and stuff.  probably more than lj in the posting sense.  it's just nicer and easier to use.  but i can't just click a button to take me to write a new post on every page.  ugh.  like i was just looking at christine's blog and i wanted to go back to mine and i had to keep clicking the back button to get back to the main page so i could click new post so i could post this right now.  lol  [goodness...isn't this a GREAT way to start a post?  haha]

now...onto my next rant.

okay, so please don't think that i'm a tv obsessed couch potato [which i am kinda sorta, but whatever].  there's a new cake challenge on food network tonight...and it's like a elimination knock-out-who-can-make-the-best-cake series inside the 'series'.  lol that made no sense.  but work with me here...and tonight is the finale.  sooo...naturally i want to watch that.  in my house we have two tvs with dish network.  the one downstairs is going to record the amazing race at eight and the other one was going to be recording wizards of waverly place and sonny with a chance.  it took me like ten minutes to get everything all stinking rearranged so it would still record the amazing race at eight and then waverly place and sonny with a chance later.  so then i go into the living room and my mom was looking at what's going to be recorded tonight.  amazing race annnnnd....extreme makeover: home edition.  i got sooo stinking mad at that because i had set it up so i could watch the cake challenge on tv.  so my sister gets all mad because she wants to watch/record extreme makeover.  omg.  so we get into this big argument about how i had set it all up earlier to where i could still watch the stinking cake challenge and the amazing race still be recorded.  but no....she took it upon herself to record extreme makeover.  so then my mom interviens [kinda] and asks if i had it all set up to watch the cake challenge and i was like "YEAH!  i did that wayyy before she did her stupid show."  [not my exact words, because i'd be in major trouble if i said that...just because it's so super rude and junk] but then my mom goes on to say how i should've had it set to record the cake challenge and it's all my fault.  WHAT!  so first she's saying how i had it set up first, but now i can't watch it because i didn't have the cake challenge to record.  does that make ANY sense to you?  didn't think so..  but even after my mom determined that i would not get to watch the cake challenge, my sister goes upstairs crying.  why?  I HAVE NO IDEA!  maybe so she could get her way.  i really truley don't know.  so then i went to the dining room to sit at the table and my mom says "there goes tthe second one" because i got up and walked away.  oooohhhhhh...that just ticks me off.  like i didn't want to sit in the living room for a few reasons.  1) yeah, i don't get to watch the cake challenge.  why in the flipping world should i sit there and watch tv?  like, i don't want to watch it now, so i need to seperate myself from it.  2) i didn't want to be by my family because i was mad at them too.  and i had a HUGE attitude sitting on the couch...which i think i have somewhat of a right to be throwing a fit like that...i wasn't nessicarly throwing a fit, just TRYING to make my point.  it didn't work.  but then when i'm in the dining room my mom decides to stop the recording of the amazing race so i could have my cake challenge.  WTHeck!  like seriously.  she's trying to make me happy, which isn't going to work because i'm already mad enough and BAHHH!  and what really ticked me off the most is when i got home from going to lunch with my friend rebekah is all "THE NEW CAKE CHALLENGE IS ON TONIGHT!  AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!"  like for real?  and then you go all extreme makeover on me.  NOT COOL!  haha...i'm sorry for the excessive use of all caps and horrible spelling.  me being upset does that.  XP

next rant.  :D

there were many many MANY things getting to me at work yesterday.  i was on steamtable, which is awesome, but i had to work steamtable with ben, which isn't all that awesome.  ben is jim's son, jim being [one of] my boss.  ben is just really cocky and just know-it-all-ish...and preverted.  like, it's disgusting the things that come out of his mouth.  so you're all probably thinking that ben is a 17-20 year old kid right?  wrong.  he's 28.  like, he should know the right time to be preverted and the wrong time.  the wrong time being at work...around minors.  like.  so i would just do petty things and he would be like "what are you doing?  you aren't doing that right."  now, it didn't happen often, but when it did, it just really upset me.  and i also started on register yesterday, so i'm really new to the whole money thing.  so it was fairly easy to understand.  i just kept forgetting small steps.  just small, stupid things...but they costed me my time and my brain power...because if somebody gave me cash, i would enter in the amount they gave me.  but sometimes i would forget to enter that amount, so i'd have to do the math in my head.  most of the people were understanding if i messed up and whatnot...but one lady and her husband i accidently did that too, so i was trying to count their change back to them and the lady commented on how we're supposed to know this stuff and the children of our time can't do simple math.  listen up lady...i was flustered because i forgot a step and ... i was just flustered.  you saying that didn't really make me feel annny bettter about myself at that point.  thanks a lot.  but i believe that ben said something about this being my first time on register and i'm still learning.  thanks ben.  i guess all the things you do aren't all that stupid.  lol  but there was one point i was waiting for a call and i almost started to cry because i was so upset and just out of it and all that crap.

DUDE!  I FRICKEN HATE MY SISTER AT THIS POINT. now she's saying that i can go watch the cake challenge.  i'm going to like AOWIERNPAWJIOEP\HKPDLO[~  *sigh*  sorry.  just, for real, that sucks and bahhh.

i can't remember if i had another rant, so let me move onto my good stuff.  :D :D :D

i went to lunch with my friend hannah today.  it was a lot of fun because i don't hang out with hannah outside of church/church functions.  all we did was go to lunch, but it was a TON of fun.  hannah is the exact opposite of me.  she's very preppy and loud and hyper while i'm more on the quiet, not-so easily excited side of things.  lol  but she's just a blast to hang out with, although she can really be LOUD!  like...really really loud.  lol  but just going to lunch and being able to just talk to her was a ton of fun.

another good thing is i found three amazing items at target the other day for $5 each.  <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_65">, i got a frappuchino from starbucks and the girl spilled the liquid all over the side of my cup, so it was all sticky.  so once i finished it i went to the bathroom to wash my hands [btw, there's a starbucks in target] and when i was walking back i saw this really cute purse that i really i was looking at it and then i saw these other REALLY cute purses...and then i saw that they were $5...i grabbed two of them...mine is brown with a small flowers on's awesome.  the other one i bought for my friend brittany as a graduation present.  it's really her style, so yeah.  and the olther thing that i found was these shoes...i atually saw them the other day but they were $12 and i didn't feel like spending that much on shoes [i'm so cheap, it's crazy] but they're black and they have neon paint spatters on them.  <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_74">lol  like they're awesome.  but i wore them today and they gave me really bad blisters on my heels... :/

and another good thing is i got really burnt on my arms last sunday and like i've been peeling and stuff, so it doesn't hurt as much...but a not so good thing is on my left arm where the inside of my elbow where it really raw...idk why, but that's the only part that still hurts.

and if you made it through this post, you're amazing!  you win the best person ever award, because this thing is huge...and just a ton of me ranting.  lol

oh, and me and my friend page are HUGE she works at a christian bookstore, so i'm always excited when she finds new books.  she found this one called "so not happening"  it's about this girl that moves from NYC to oklahoma...she doesn't really like it at first, but ends up liking it and whatnot.  but what got me started on this really random topic is the newspaper editor of the school paper in that book would be an AMAZING person.  like, he's sarcastic and witty and very protective and just...perfect.  like i want this dude to be real.  i should stop reading books with amazing main guy characters, because it's really making me be very specific about a guy that i want.  lol  like my other book crush is kaz from the all about us series.  he's a total geek, but sooo sweeet.  <3

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Okay, so I got an update on facebook about pre-ordering the new FM Static CD for $10 so I rush downstairs and I was like "please, can i get it?!"  and my mom didn't really answer I go on to say how I won't buy anything else until I get CIY [a conference that I'm going to this costs like $460-ish] paid off, but I really want this.  So she says then I asked my dad and he goes on and on to tell me about how there's all this stuff that he wants, but can't get it because he has to think about the car.  This morning they had to take the van to a shop to get it looked at cause it wasn't working right.  While he's telling me this I'm thinking "I don't have  a car...I don't have a family...I really have nothing that I have to pay why should I worry?"  But he was just telling me because I'm getting 'older'...I hate that phrase.  XP  But then I got onto facebook and asked my mom if I could get it...and she said yes.  as long as this is the last thing that I get until I pay CIY off.  lol  So I go and look at my account to see how much money I have...not enough.  Blehhhhhhhhhh  so I have to wait until either tomorrow or Friday [depending on when I put my check into the bank] to get it.  Bleh.

And I was just writing down everything that I've purchased into my checkbook...I spend all my money at either Publix or Bennett's.  [Bennett's is a cafe right down the street from my church and Brittany and I try and go every Sunday before church] it's like $1.35 a week at bennett's and then anywhere from $1-$5 at publix a week...and sometimes that twice a week.  I for real need to stop buying things.

Having money sucks.  lol  Not really, but I don't like being responsable for it.