Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Okay, so I got an update on facebook about pre-ordering the new FM Static CD for $10 so I rush downstairs and I was like "please, can i get it?!"  and my mom didn't really answer I go on to say how I won't buy anything else until I get CIY [a conference that I'm going to this costs like $460-ish] paid off, but I really want this.  So she says then I asked my dad and he goes on and on to tell me about how there's all this stuff that he wants, but can't get it because he has to think about the car.  This morning they had to take the van to a shop to get it looked at cause it wasn't working right.  While he's telling me this I'm thinking "I don't have  a car...I don't have a family...I really have nothing that I have to pay why should I worry?"  But he was just telling me because I'm getting 'older'...I hate that phrase.  XP  But then I got onto facebook and asked my mom if I could get it...and she said yes.  as long as this is the last thing that I get until I pay CIY off.  lol  So I go and look at my account to see how much money I have...not enough.  Blehhhhhhhhhh  so I have to wait until either tomorrow or Friday [depending on when I put my check into the bank] to get it.  Bleh.

And I was just writing down everything that I've purchased into my checkbook...I spend all my money at either Publix or Bennett's.  [Bennett's is a cafe right down the street from my church and Brittany and I try and go every Sunday before church] it's like $1.35 a week at bennett's and then anywhere from $1-$5 at publix a week...and sometimes that twice a week.  I for real need to stop buying things.

Having money sucks.  lol  Not really, but I don't like being responsable for it.

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