Friday, December 25, 2009

So today for Christmas I got my first diamond bracelet from my grandma. But it's gold...and I don't really like gold. :/ oh well, I'll get over it. XP I also go a fuzzy scarf, some body wash, a digital portabl picture frame and an iTunes gftcard. <3

I think that's everything from my moms side of the family. Around new years we'll be going to my dads side of the family to do Christmas with them. I'm kinda excited to see what exactly they got me...but if it's anything like last year where all my aunt and uncle (who are both lawyers might I add) got me a DVD. Ughhhhhh. Lol

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Cwismas!!!

Alrighty. So I know I'm a little earlyyyy buuuuuut I figured while I'm chillen I should blog. lol

I actually don't have much to say cause I haven't opened many presents yet. From my parents I got Brain Age for my DS and a cute case for it. And then for myself I bought my iPod Touch. I love his thing. XP but I always feel bad for talking about cause I feel like I'm bragging. :/ ugh idk lol then from Sarah I got tickets to see OWL CITY!!!!!!!! oh my gosh I was screaming. Her boyfriend (the creeper) was making fun of me cause I was so excited over a piece of paper taped to cardboard. She's waiting for the tickets to be delievered to her house. It came as such a suprised cause I bought the tickets were all sold out. So when she told me we were going...I think that's the happiest I've ever been. XD And then Brittany got me some bodywash and socks. The socks have penguins on them.

I'm hoping from my dads side of the family I will get the first Nevertheless cd cause I don't have it yet and now that they're not a band anymore... :( I was so sad. I still am actually.

I'm hoping over spring break...actually eight after spring break I can go back up to Nashville with Page and visit with her at school. Cause that'd be tons of fun and I'd get to see what college life is actually like. Although sometimes I feel jealous cause she talks about her best friends at school, Megan and Steffani, allllll the time. And when she does talk about them I can't help but feel like I might get replaced cause they're so close already and Page has only been hanging out with them since like September. Anyways this blog just took a depressing turn. Lol have a good and safe Christmas and I hope that you guys get everything that you (ever) wanted. I couldn't help but throw that Hawk Nelson reference in there.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

i've been setting up for the fall festival at my church and there's this guy that attends our spanish church that's also been helping all day long. so my mom asked him to go and get some chairs [that was around 5 pm] and when he came to deliever them my mom asked him "bet you won't come to voluenteer anymore" she asked jokingly and he knew it but how he replied amazed me because i haven't thought about this once today. he said "no. *laugh* i do all things for the Lord..." i can't remember exactly, but it was just neat to see how he probably hadn't complained on how HOT it is today, or how thirsty he was or how many laps he's made around the church. he acted as if he had just gotten there and was put to work.
it was amazing.
i don't know, it just made me realize that i need to think more like him. just be positive and do stuff for the Lord, not just because the church needed people to help out. and i shouldn't be complaining on the weather. everybody else is just as hot, thirsty and whatever as i am. who am i to complain?

Monday, October 12, 2009

today SUCKS!

so let me tell you about my day today. and yes, i know i haven't blogged since...july 29th...which would make it like 2.5 months. my bad. i'm not very good at writing. XD
it all started at 1 am this morning. i was still awake...but i decided to go to bed. and i laid in bed for an hour. and i was still awake. so i didn't fall asleep until well after 2. and then i got in trouble because i didn't wake up until "almost 11". it was 10:30...which isn't almost 11. but whatever. so then i had to give the dogs a bath. i hate doing that. so that wasn't fun. after that my mom was like "get ready. we're leaving soon." awesome. i took a shower and i had to go to the mall with wet hair. i don't like that. for whatever reason, going to the mall for me means that i have to look good. idk why...but i just feel like i have to "dress up". :/ so i'm told just to go into hot topic, get the almost's ep [monster ep] and then come back out. and if i didn't see it, my mom told me to ask. [cause i don't like asking. XP] so i go in and i look and i don't see it. so i wait to ask the girl that worked there and she's like "no. we don't have it in yet. try back in a few weeks." GBAOINSDFPOAWNET! i was told last tuesday [when it released] that they would have it the next morning. she was like "they just randomly send it to us." whatever. you guys need to get on the ball cause i'm tired of coming here for stuff and you guys not having it. [our hot topic has to be the WORST ht in the ENTIRE country. bleh] so then we went to kmart cause my mom wanted to get me some new jeans. first off, i can't stand kmart...but that's where most of my jeans are from cause they have pretty awesome sales on jeans. but not today. it was all jeans with like elastic bands. ick. so i didn't get anything. so then we came home becuse my brother sliced his hand on a broken bottle...that was UNDER his bed. i'm wondering what kind of bottle, glass bottle, was under his bed. [i guess i just think the worst about people. XP but he's so secretive that i can't help but wonder] so i came home and i bought the monster ep on the almost's site cause i want it and i'm annoyed with it not being at hot topic [it's an exclusive hot topic item]. then later we went to target cause i wanted to get the new nd game, cause i've heard that it's out and target is notourious for putting stuff out early. but they didn't have it out yet. >_<>_< but today my mom was like "you might be able to go on the retreat. cause they need somebody else and lorraine is trying to talk to tim about paying for you to go." i have NO idea why they're trying to pay for me, cause first off i've always paid to go and the church has never paid for the high schoolers to go. but then like right after my mom's like "but i'm not sure that it's a good idea that you go." WHAT?!?!?! she knows how much i wanted to go, so don't tempt me with the idea of going. oh, and it's this weeked...but i have to work and i'm not sure that it'd be best for me to go. so i was just talking about it with page and she's like "well, you should go. call off work and have sombody cover your sunday school class for you. you're going to regret if you don't go." i dont' think that she realizes that NOBODY would voluenteer to sub for me this sunday. we have a hard enough time getting people to voluenteer to just teach a stinking class. yeah, i might regret it later in life and i'll probably mope around this weekend, but the girls are ALWAYS the preppiest people that i've ever met and they don't do any work. it drives me nuts. and page is saying how she'd go and how i should go and be outgoing...i'm not an outgoing person already, so what in the world would change me by this weekend? UGH! so she isn't understanding my reasons for wanting to not go... hasn't been my favorite day. and i want it to be OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my life lately

Ahh...I haven't blogged in forever.

Let's see...what's been going on with me.  Not much really.  I'm babysitting pretty much everyday this gets old cause now the kids are comfortable with me and like to backtalk and such now.  It's not really all that cool.  And yesterday, I had to be the mean babysitter and make one of the kids dust the entire house cause she didn't want to come outside with us.  Oh well.  She got over it.  XP

At the beginning of July I went white water rafting.  :D  I was scared to death, but I enjoyed it a lot.  I can't wait to do it again.  :)  And after rafting we went to CIY MOVE in Knoxville, TN.  It was amazing.  :D  A great week, that was filled with some trying times...I'll talk about that in a second..really cute guys and total funness.  haha  New word.  :)  Like there were 5 guys I think that I liked.  Hahaha....lets see, there was Matt Thiessen, he was the sound guy.  He really did look just like Matt Thiessen from Relient K; then there was Alex, the cutest senior guy ever.  He's a total goofhead...and I'll talk about him in a minute too; then there was Seth, the coolest guy with nerd glasses.  He was really sweet and quiet and I only talked to him twice but he was just suuper cool; and there was the guy with the cool hair; Belmont the V-Neck, who's real name is Zack something; and the Nerd.  Ha, so I was wrong, there was 6.  But the Nerd was a leader for one of the groups, but he looked really young, like not much older than me.  :)

I'll start with the trials at CIY...we [Page and I] roomed with this girl Katie that I already didn't like.  She had broken her arm like a week before the trip, so she couldn't do anything by herself.  [or at least she made it seem like she couldn't]  And with Page and I being the oldest girls and the ones that everybody thinks are great Christian girls [Page'm getting there.  :)] we get stuck with her.  We had the choice of being together and rooming with her or being seperated and one of us still being with her.  We decided to tough it out together.  Hahahahahaha...that was a mistake.  By the second night she had already ticked me off enough to make me cry.  I could've punched her.  And then during the week she said stuff about my brother TO MY FACE and then dissed my dress saying that it looked old.  And unfortunately I couldn't say anything about her dress, cause I really liked it.  lol  She's just a brat and spoiled and a crybaby and when she doesn't get her way, watch out.  Bhahhhhhh onto Alex.  :):):):):):):)  He's a super cutie and I didn't really talk to him much, but my friend Page did and I was always with her...soooo...yeah.  lol  He has this video on's amazing.  He's a total goofbball.  Oh my gosh, I for real could marry this kid.  :):):):) <3>

Oh, and tonight I found out that Cody isn't in Stellar Kart anymore...and apparently hasn't been for a while.  I HAD NO CLUE!  It was so crazy.

And my birthday is on Tuesday.  :)  I'm excited.  I'm going to try and get off babysitting [which I already asked, so i think i will] and my friends and I are going to try and make a day of it.  It'll be fun!

Oh!  And I'm going to Rock the Universe again this year.  Uber excited for it.  I'm already pumped and it isn't for like 6 1/2 weeks.  Haha...I've got this teeshirt design that I'm going to get.  Let me get a link...

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Yeah, I'm excited.  :)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

[for the most part] Today was pretty good :)

Well, like the churhc art kinda stunk.  I didn't want to sit through the sermon.  I just had no want to.  But whatever.

But then we [me and Sarah] went to the mall.  i want[ed] new converse.  Got them.  :D  They're AWESOME!  And as I was buying them the girl that works there was telling us about this concert that was going on.  So we ended up staying for it.  the band is Can You Keep a Secret?  they're soooooooooooooooo good.  I wanted to get their CD...but I didn't have $5.   :(  I would totally buy it though.  lol  I wish that I had iTunes so I could get it.  [my computer doesn't have internet right now, so I can't get anything on iTunes]

And we had this guy [about our age] following us around the mall.  Kinda creepy.  and then we decided we'd follow him around...and we lost him.  lame.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

!!! :)

I'm soooo exctied!  :D  I finished school this week.  So now I just have to work on getting my GED taken and stuff.  But it was weird to wake up and think that I have absoutley NO MORE SCHOOL TO DO!  So exciting!

And I'm going to Disney tomorrow for a couple of days.  It's going to be fun!  I really need to go to sleep.  lol

And I went to a concert on Monday...absoutley no people there and it rocked.  :D  This Beautiful Republic was saying how they just played a concert with Relient K and Needtobreathe and we were so much louder than the crowd there and we had a significantly smaller amount of people.

Here's videos...sorry for the horrible sound quality.  Being right at the stage means pretty much bad sound.  And I ended up screaming in a lot of it so....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I kept forgetting to post. XD Yesterday Jeff Taylor [the morning DJ for our Way-FM station] left on the music boat cruise. His status on facebook was how he was cruising with TobyMac and a few other bands. So I commented and said that he'd also be cruising with Hawk Nelson and that he is really lucky. So then he wrote on my wall...

And I about flipped. lol I just thought that was so awesome! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D And then he also wrote that he told them that I'm their biggest Florida fan...which is pretty much true. :D lol

And I finished American History yesterday. I'm going to be done with school this week! woohooo!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009



It be sad...I'm so upset/frustrated because I want to go to a concert May 5th.  Why can't I go?  Because it's a stinking 7 hour trip...and I can't find anybody to take me.  I could ask my aunt...but my mom says that I don't have enough money to pay for gas [cause she doesn't have a job]...and it just really sucks.  It's Stellar Kart and Nevertheless...I know that I shouldn't be upset that I can't go...but they're amazing...and it just really stinks that I can't find a way to get there.  I've been praying...and praying find a way to get there...but I can't find ANYTHING!  I even looked up flights to Chipley, Florida.  lol  Nothing.  :/  It's sad how frustrated I last night, I was almost in tears because I have thought of everybody that I could ask to take me...and they would all either say no or have said no.  And it really sucks, because if I can't go [I'm sooo not giving up hope yet.  XP] I'm following all of Stellar Kart and Nevertheless on Twitter [I'm bubblezrulez85 if you wish to add me] and they're [well...Adam and Jordan of SK] always twittering about what they're doing right at that second.  So it's like "We're doing our soundcheck..."  "We're still waiting on that soundcheck..."  or "Nevertheless is about to go up on stage!  I'm pumped!"  bahhhh....It seems that every time NTL is near me [or even in Florida] I can't go.  And it sucksss...cause they've been here twice this year and I've been planning on going to both, but then plans fall through and I get so upset.  And then the next day of the tour [May 6th] they're going to be in Greenville, SC and I have family that lives like 30 minutes away from there...and BAHHH!  lol  I wish I could call them up and be like "Hola.  I'm coming to stay with you guys for a few days...kay?"  And if I could find a way to get up there, I would totally do it. I just took a blogging break to look up flights to Greenville.  How stupid am I?  Is it bad that I'm sooooo determined to get to one of these tour dates?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

rant rant rant [with a little bitty bit of good stuff.]

so i like how blogger is set up and stuff.  probably more than lj in the posting sense.  it's just nicer and easier to use.  but i can't just click a button to take me to write a new post on every page.  ugh.  like i was just looking at christine's blog and i wanted to go back to mine and i had to keep clicking the back button to get back to the main page so i could click new post so i could post this right now.  lol  [goodness...isn't this a GREAT way to start a post?  haha]

now...onto my next rant.

okay, so please don't think that i'm a tv obsessed couch potato [which i am kinda sorta, but whatever].  there's a new cake challenge on food network tonight...and it's like a elimination knock-out-who-can-make-the-best-cake series inside the 'series'.  lol that made no sense.  but work with me here...and tonight is the finale.  sooo...naturally i want to watch that.  in my house we have two tvs with dish network.  the one downstairs is going to record the amazing race at eight and the other one was going to be recording wizards of waverly place and sonny with a chance.  it took me like ten minutes to get everything all stinking rearranged so it would still record the amazing race at eight and then waverly place and sonny with a chance later.  so then i go into the living room and my mom was looking at what's going to be recorded tonight.  amazing race annnnnd....extreme makeover: home edition.  i got sooo stinking mad at that because i had set it up so i could watch the cake challenge on tv.  so my sister gets all mad because she wants to watch/record extreme makeover.  omg.  so we get into this big argument about how i had set it all up earlier to where i could still watch the stinking cake challenge and the amazing race still be recorded.  but no....she took it upon herself to record extreme makeover.  so then my mom interviens [kinda] and asks if i had it all set up to watch the cake challenge and i was like "YEAH!  i did that wayyy before she did her stupid show."  [not my exact words, because i'd be in major trouble if i said that...just because it's so super rude and junk] but then my mom goes on to say how i should've had it set to record the cake challenge and it's all my fault.  WHAT!  so first she's saying how i had it set up first, but now i can't watch it because i didn't have the cake challenge to record.  does that make ANY sense to you?  didn't think so..  but even after my mom determined that i would not get to watch the cake challenge, my sister goes upstairs crying.  why?  I HAVE NO IDEA!  maybe so she could get her way.  i really truley don't know.  so then i went to the dining room to sit at the table and my mom says "there goes tthe second one" because i got up and walked away.  oooohhhhhh...that just ticks me off.  like i didn't want to sit in the living room for a few reasons.  1) yeah, i don't get to watch the cake challenge.  why in the flipping world should i sit there and watch tv?  like, i don't want to watch it now, so i need to seperate myself from it.  2) i didn't want to be by my family because i was mad at them too.  and i had a HUGE attitude sitting on the couch...which i think i have somewhat of a right to be throwing a fit like that...i wasn't nessicarly throwing a fit, just TRYING to make my point.  it didn't work.  but then when i'm in the dining room my mom decides to stop the recording of the amazing race so i could have my cake challenge.  WTHeck!  like seriously.  she's trying to make me happy, which isn't going to work because i'm already mad enough and BAHHH!  and what really ticked me off the most is when i got home from going to lunch with my friend rebekah is all "THE NEW CAKE CHALLENGE IS ON TONIGHT!  AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!"  like for real?  and then you go all extreme makeover on me.  NOT COOL!  haha...i'm sorry for the excessive use of all caps and horrible spelling.  me being upset does that.  XP

next rant.  :D

there were many many MANY things getting to me at work yesterday.  i was on steamtable, which is awesome, but i had to work steamtable with ben, which isn't all that awesome.  ben is jim's son, jim being [one of] my boss.  ben is just really cocky and just know-it-all-ish...and preverted.  like, it's disgusting the things that come out of his mouth.  so you're all probably thinking that ben is a 17-20 year old kid right?  wrong.  he's 28.  like, he should know the right time to be preverted and the wrong time.  the wrong time being at work...around minors.  like.  so i would just do petty things and he would be like "what are you doing?  you aren't doing that right."  now, it didn't happen often, but when it did, it just really upset me.  and i also started on register yesterday, so i'm really new to the whole money thing.  so it was fairly easy to understand.  i just kept forgetting small steps.  just small, stupid things...but they costed me my time and my brain power...because if somebody gave me cash, i would enter in the amount they gave me.  but sometimes i would forget to enter that amount, so i'd have to do the math in my head.  most of the people were understanding if i messed up and whatnot...but one lady and her husband i accidently did that too, so i was trying to count their change back to them and the lady commented on how we're supposed to know this stuff and the children of our time can't do simple math.  listen up lady...i was flustered because i forgot a step and ... i was just flustered.  you saying that didn't really make me feel annny bettter about myself at that point.  thanks a lot.  but i believe that ben said something about this being my first time on register and i'm still learning.  thanks ben.  i guess all the things you do aren't all that stupid.  lol  but there was one point i was waiting for a call and i almost started to cry because i was so upset and just out of it and all that crap.

DUDE!  I FRICKEN HATE MY SISTER AT THIS POINT. now she's saying that i can go watch the cake challenge.  i'm going to like AOWIERNPAWJIOEP\HKPDLO[~  *sigh*  sorry.  just, for real, that sucks and bahhh.

i can't remember if i had another rant, so let me move onto my good stuff.  :D :D :D

i went to lunch with my friend hannah today.  it was a lot of fun because i don't hang out with hannah outside of church/church functions.  all we did was go to lunch, but it was a TON of fun.  hannah is the exact opposite of me.  she's very preppy and loud and hyper while i'm more on the quiet, not-so easily excited side of things.  lol  but she's just a blast to hang out with, although she can really be LOUD!  like...really really loud.  lol  but just going to lunch and being able to just talk to her was a ton of fun.

another good thing is i found three amazing items at target the other day for $5 each.  <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_65">, i got a frappuchino from starbucks and the girl spilled the liquid all over the side of my cup, so it was all sticky.  so once i finished it i went to the bathroom to wash my hands [btw, there's a starbucks in target] and when i was walking back i saw this really cute purse that i really i was looking at it and then i saw these other REALLY cute purses...and then i saw that they were $5...i grabbed two of them...mine is brown with a small flowers on's awesome.  the other one i bought for my friend brittany as a graduation present.  it's really her style, so yeah.  and the olther thing that i found was these shoes...i atually saw them the other day but they were $12 and i didn't feel like spending that much on shoes [i'm so cheap, it's crazy] but they're black and they have neon paint spatters on them.  <3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_74">lol  like they're awesome.  but i wore them today and they gave me really bad blisters on my heels... :/

and another good thing is i got really burnt on my arms last sunday and like i've been peeling and stuff, so it doesn't hurt as much...but a not so good thing is on my left arm where the inside of my elbow where it really raw...idk why, but that's the only part that still hurts.

and if you made it through this post, you're amazing!  you win the best person ever award, because this thing is huge...and just a ton of me ranting.  lol

oh, and me and my friend page are HUGE she works at a christian bookstore, so i'm always excited when she finds new books.  she found this one called "so not happening"  it's about this girl that moves from NYC to oklahoma...she doesn't really like it at first, but ends up liking it and whatnot.  but what got me started on this really random topic is the newspaper editor of the school paper in that book would be an AMAZING person.  like, he's sarcastic and witty and very protective and just...perfect.  like i want this dude to be real.  i should stop reading books with amazing main guy characters, because it's really making me be very specific about a guy that i want.  lol  like my other book crush is kaz from the all about us series.  he's a total geek, but sooo sweeet.  <3

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Okay, so I got an update on facebook about pre-ordering the new FM Static CD for $10 so I rush downstairs and I was like "please, can i get it?!"  and my mom didn't really answer I go on to say how I won't buy anything else until I get CIY [a conference that I'm going to this costs like $460-ish] paid off, but I really want this.  So she says then I asked my dad and he goes on and on to tell me about how there's all this stuff that he wants, but can't get it because he has to think about the car.  This morning they had to take the van to a shop to get it looked at cause it wasn't working right.  While he's telling me this I'm thinking "I don't have  a car...I don't have a family...I really have nothing that I have to pay why should I worry?"  But he was just telling me because I'm getting 'older'...I hate that phrase.  XP  But then I got onto facebook and asked my mom if I could get it...and she said yes.  as long as this is the last thing that I get until I pay CIY off.  lol  So I go and look at my account to see how much money I have...not enough.  Blehhhhhhhhhh  so I have to wait until either tomorrow or Friday [depending on when I put my check into the bank] to get it.  Bleh.

And I was just writing down everything that I've purchased into my checkbook...I spend all my money at either Publix or Bennett's.  [Bennett's is a cafe right down the street from my church and Brittany and I try and go every Sunday before church] it's like $1.35 a week at bennett's and then anywhere from $1-$5 at publix a week...and sometimes that twice a week.  I for real need to stop buying things.

Having money sucks.  lol  Not really, but I don't like being responsable for it.

Monday, March 30, 2009


How do I get a custom layout?  Like I want a new background and stuff...and I just can't figure it out...annoyingness.  lol I just got freaked out a little bit...thought I had been cheated out of $14. Why? Let me tell

So I was on facebook and there was an add off to the side about a new Stellar Kart Best of I clicked on it cause I wanted to see what it was and stuff. So I looked and it was a pre-sale item. You pre-ordered the CD and get a free tee shirt with it. [woohoo!] So I wait until my mom woke up from her nap and I asked she says yes and the total comes out to $13.98. I was so excited that I didn't even think to look around or anything...I just ordered it. So then I place my order and realized that it didn't look like the Stellar Kart website...or their merch store. So I'm thinking "WHAT DID I JUST DO!" I'm thinking that I just put all of my information onto the internet and lost $14 because I wanted something that I don't even know if it's real or not... So I go onto SK's website and it says nothing about a new Best Of CD....nothing...nothing on their home page...nothing in their Merch store...I about died. So then I quickly get pulled up cause they have a list of Christian artists and their CDs and upcoming ones and whatever...Thank the Lord that it was there. lol So, yes, it is a real CD and I didn't lose any money. It was safe. lol But I seriously freaked out there for a few minutes thinking that my mom was going to take away my debit card because I was stupid. lol But now I have to wait until around April 21st for it to get here and stuff...beucase that's when it releases...hopefully I like my shirt. XP It's white and it says Stellar Kart in this really cool font...let me find a link.....

So, even though it says SK isn't the one that you link to from their site...which is what freaked me out. XP

The ad came back up on's what I so stupidly clicked on without checking it

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Guess who got a blogger. :)

MEEEEEEE!  Chaaaah...i did.  Just cause I can.  I have an LJ but whatever.  I'll probably end up posting the same thing on sorry in advance for being repetative...  :/  But here's what I just posted on my LJ...

i go into skyline and he was working [i knew he was, just hoping that he didn't take off] and so i go to walk into the kitchen and he was about to walk out, so we kinda like saw each other through the window and we both started laughing, and yeah. :) but he goes "hi gabriella" [first off, my name ain't gabrielle JACOB! lol i just ended up saying hey back...i'm pretty sure he was just doing it to be silly. XP] and i just said hey [like i just said]...i fo realz need to get up the courage to add that extra "jake" in there. stupid me. WHAT'S MY PROBLEM! lol but i go back and get my check/new schedule and make sure that i'm not working the 24th [cause i'm going to DISNEY WORLD! woop woop...and i'm not working...he is though. day i think that i'm just going to go in when he's working and just sit there like some people do. lol maybe on a saturday...hmmm...i feel a master plan coming on. bahahahaha] anyways...when i was walking out of the kitchen he was walking in, so we both like collided again. just my luck. but we were both like cracking up. :D

BTW-I work at a place called Skyline Chili.  Originally from Cincinnati, OH...has traveled many places.  Just happens to be one where I live and I just so happen to love the food and work there.  lol  He=Jake...a guy that I just so happen to work with and think is cute.  And Disney World = a place that I enjoy visiting and a place that I will be at on March 24th.  Just try not to hunt me down...cause that's kinda creepy.